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Prospective Evaluation of Nivolumab in Adjuvant Esophageal Carcinoma/Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer: A Non-interventional Study

Clinical Trial Details

This clinical trial is for men and women with early-stage esophageal cancer (EC) or gastroesophageal junction cancer (GEJC) who are currently receiving adjuvant nivolumab prior to and independently of participation in the study.

The purpose of this study is to learn more about patients with EC or GEJC who have started with nivolumab treatment and about the use and the effects of nivolumab in clinical practice. For this reason, BMS is conducting this study to collect additional information about:

   • How nivolumab is working to control your cancer.
   • How long have you been taking nivolumab, at what dosage, and if there have been any changes made to your treatment.
   • Safety issues, if any.

This is a research, observational study, which will collect data from your medical records. There will be no examinations or tests done as part of this study, and it will not interfere with your standard medical care.

Participation is expected to last up to 42 months.

Key Eligibility: 
  1. Open to men and women above the age of 18 who are receiving adjuvant nivolumab prior to and independently of participation in the study.
  2. Participants must not have received prior treatment with immuno-oncologic agents including nivolumab for any indication.

Detailed eligibility will be reviewed when you contact the study team.

Study contact by location

Upper East Side - Manhattan


Melissa Mow

Primary Investigator(s)

Protocol ID(s)

Weill Cornell Medicine IRB #:






Open to Enrollment

Age Group

