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Imaging and Pathologic Correlates for Men at Risk of Prostate Cancer

Clinical Trial Details

This is a retrospective and prospective study to study the use of MRI prostate imaging and other patient characteristics such as PSA and commercially available assays and its accuracy in predicting the grade and location of prostate cancer during prostate needle biopsy as well as radical prostatectomy for men going onto surgery. 

Key Eligibility: 

Inclusion criteria include all men referred to Dr. Hu suspected of having prostate cancer or diagnosed with prostate cancer who have a MRI and biopsy/radical prostatectomy performed. 

Study contact by location

Upper East Side - Manhattan


Miko Yu
(212) 746-1496

Primary Investigator(s)

Protocol ID(s)

Weill Cornell Medicine IRB #:



Open to Enrollment

Age Group


