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Preserving Erectile Function by Quantifying the Nerve-Sparing Step of the Robotic Prostatectomy

Clinical Trial Details

Our broad objective is to quantify surgeon performance, build automated assessments grounded in patient-centered outcomes, and develop quality assurance programs to improve training for surgeons.
Participating surgeons will submit robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) surgical videos, patient demographics, treatment, and surgeon data. The surgeons will perform virtual reality (VR) simulation exercises as part of the validation process. Data from the efficiency metrics in individual VR simulation modules, instrument and object motions tracking will also be collected.
 The study will enroll 40 surgeons each performing 10 RARPs and the 400 male patients undergoing RARP. 15 expert published surgeons who have performed a high volume of RARPs will participate in the Delphi method interview.
The study includes 5 visits for the patients, and 10 surgical cases for the participating surgeons. Patients’ 12-month postoperative erectile function outcomes will be collected using validated patient-reported questionnaires that are part of the patients’ medical records.

Key Eligibility: 

   • Individuals 18 years old or older are included.
   • Patients undergoing/have already undergone a standard of care robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) will be approached to participate in this study.

• 15 expert published surgeons who have performed a high volume of RARPs will be approached to be interviewed with the Delphi survey detailed in the primary objective.
   • Future enrollment of surgeons who contributed nerve-sparing (NS) videos and RARP patient data in the primary and secondary objectives, will participate in end-user simulation validation study.

Study contact by location

Upper East Side - Manhattan

Primary Investigator(s)

Protocol ID(s)

Weill Cornell Medicine IRB #:





Open to Enrollment

Age Group


