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Tissue Collection for Drug Screening and Bioanalysis

Clinical Trial Details

Cancers behave differently in different patients; thus, not all therapies will work for everyone. By identifying biological pathways and specific genetic alterations in different cancers, patient treatments can be better tailored, resulting in a personalized approach to treatment.

The purpose of this study is to collect tissue, blood samples, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to perform a series of molecular, cellular, and genomic analyses. This will allow researchers to better understand the tumor, identify the specific pathways or genes that drive its growth, and potentially develop better tests and treatments for pediatric brain cancers.

Participation in this research will be a single visit unless otherwise noted.

Key Eligibility: 

Inclusion Criteria for tumor patients 
    1. Participant has presented with a suspected neoplastic central nervous system (CNS) lesion and is undergoing a neurosurgical procedure in which CNS tissue and/or tumors associated with this tissue will be removed.    

Inclusion Criteria for non-tumor patients 

    1. Under 21 years of age and is undergoing a neurosurgical procedure at Weill Cornell Medicine
    2. Has never been diagnosed with a CNS neoplasm

Study contact by location

Upper East Side - Manhattan


Colleen Sanders

Primary Investigator(s)

Protocol ID(s)

Weill Cornell Medicine IRB #:




Open to Enrollment

Age Group

Adult , Pediatric
