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Virtual Reality for Pain Management in Burn Patients

Clinical Trial Details

We are conducting a randomized proof-of-concept study to assess the efficacy of virtual reality (VR) vs standard of care in 50 adult patients in the NewYork-Presbyterian Burn Unit. The participants who are randomized to receive the virtual reality intervention will also receive opioids, which is the standard of care and is known to be effective.

Participants will be randomly assigned to two groups. The first group will receive VR during their procedure in addition to the standard-of-care. The other group will receive standard of care during the wound dressing change procedure (and no VR). The reported levels of pain and the total amount of narcotic and analgesics from admission through discharge from the hospital will be recorded and analyzed as a secondary outcome: whether the VR condition impacts total received dose in the two days post-procedure and through hospital stay. 

Key Eligibility: 

Inclusion Criteria

  • Inpatients with less than 15% total body surface area burn injuries
  • Physically stable and without terminal illness

Exclusion Criteria

  • Diagnosis of a cognitive disorder, psychotic disorder, or bipolar I disorder as determined by self-report from previous diagnosis or by SCID screen
  • Current opioid abuse

Study contact by location

Upper East Side - Manhattan


Mariel Emrich

Primary Investigator(s)

Protocol ID(s)

Weill Cornell Medicine IRB #:



Open to Enrollment

Age Group


