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Randomized Phase 2 Clinical Trial of Nab-paclitaxel + Durvalumab (MEDI4736) + Tremelimumab + Neoantigen Vaccine vs. Nab-paclitaxel + Durvalumab (MEDI4736) + Tremelimumab in Patients with Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer

This study is evaluating the addition of immunotherapy and an individualized vaccine to the usual combination of drugs for metastatic triple negative breast cancer. The study aims to determine if the immunotherapy and individualized vaccine combination is better or worse than the standard of care. Standard of care for triple negative breast cancer is chemotherapy alone.  

A Phase 1 Study of Lenalidomide in Combination with EPOCH Chemotherapy for HTLV-Associated Adult T-Cell Leukemia-Lymphoma (ATLL)

This study is being done to determine if the drug lenalidomide combined with full doses of EPOCH chemotherapy is effective for Human T-cell Leukemia Virus (HTLV)-associated Adult T-Cell Leukemia-Lymphoma (ATLL). EPOCH chemotherapy is a regimen comprised of multiple drugs. Additionally, the study is investigating what is the highest dose and longest duration this combination can safely be given to patients.

Pilot Study of DS-8201a Pharmacodynamics in Patients with HER2-expressing Advanced Solid Tumors

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the study drug, DS-8201a (also known as Enhertu or fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan-nxki) for advanced solid tumors. The study aims to see how DS-8201a affects the levels of certain proteins and immune cells in solid tumors, how well it works against cancer cells, and how safe and tolerable it is.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved DS-8201a for the treatment of patients with advanced HER2-positive breast or gastric cancer.

Phase II Study of Olaparib (AZD2281) in Patients with Metastatic/Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma and Other Genitourinary Tumors with DNA-Repair Defects

This study is being done to determine if the study drug, Olaparib has an effect on urothelial carcinoma or other non-prostate genitourinary cancers in people with DNA-repair changes in their genes.

This study aims to determine if Olaparib is better or worse than the usual approach for urothelial cancer or other non-prostate genitourinary cancers. There is no standard of care for these cancers, but people who are not participating in a study are usually treated with single-drug taxane chemotherapies (e.g. paclitaxel, abraxane, docetaxel).

UA COVID-19 National Registry: National Registry of Pediatric Cancer Patients Diagnosed with COVID-19

This is an observational study that will collect data from oncology patients diagnosed with COVID-19 including their demographics, diagnosis, stage of treatment, symptom presentation, severity of disease, COVID-19 directed treatment and impact on cancer care.

The purpose is to describe and disseminate, in real time, the evolving clinical course of children, adolescents, and young adults diagnosed with cancer and infected with SARS-COV-2 and/or who have received a COVID-19 vaccine via a national database registry.

Assessing the effect of abstinence period on semen analysis parameters

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of an abstinence period on semen parameters and sperm quality. There is no current data regarding the best time for men to produce a semen sample that will produce the highest quality sperm. This study aims to determine whether shorter abstinence periods may result in improved sperm quality.

Participants will be required to provide a total of 6 semen samples. The semen samples will be requested to be produced after 7 days, 5 days, 2 days, 1 day, and 3 hours of abstinence from sexual activity.

Inflammatory Skin Disease Treatment Identification Study (IDENTITY)

As the number of available treatments for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis grow, there is a need to find a way to identify which treatment will work best for each person. The goal of this study is to develop a test called a gene expression assay to see if the assay can predict treatment success and/or failure in participants with atopic dermatitis or psoriasis. 

Feasibility and Acceptability of a Mobile Cognitive Behavior Therapy App Targeting Depression and Anxiety in Middle Aged and Older Adults

This study aims to assess a mobile iPhone app called MAYA for use in middle-aged and older adults with anxiety or mood disorders.

Participants will be asked to use the app for at least two days a week, 20 minutes each day, for six weeks. Participants will have weekly check-ins as well as longer assessments at the beginning of the study, week 3, week 6 (end of treatment), and week 12 (follow up).

The WCM Advancing HIV Health through Epigenetic studies in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease (AHEAD) Study

This observational biorepository study aims to determine the overlapping and distinct immunological changes in individuals over 60 years of age with HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND).

To accomplish this goal, the study will evaluate virologically suppressed people living with HIV-1 and HAND. A control group of virologically suppressed people living with HIV with normal cognition will also be enrolled, as well as 50 HIV-1 negative individuals.

A Phase 1/2 First in Human Study of the Menin-MLL(KMT2A) Inhibitor KO-539 in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia

This clinical trial is for men and women who have relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia (AML). 

The purpose of this study is to learn the maximal tolerated dose and/or the recommended dose of Ziftomenib (KO-539) in participants with relapsed or refractory AML.

Ziftomenib is an experimental drug that blocks the menin pathway in hopes of preventing or slowing the leukemia cells from growing and dividing. Investigational means that Ziftomenib has not yet been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).